Thursday, July 10, 2008

Cookies, Cookies, and More Cookies

I have FINISHED my thesis, well at leas the committee copy of it. I handed it in last Thrusday and enjoyed some need relaxation this week. I defend my thesis exactly 1 week from today at 2pm....slightly terrified!!! I know I will be fine, but it is the unknown tha tis scarry. Apparently, the goal of a defense is to say "I don't know." I need to work on that on becasue I've always thought you should have all the answers. I know I don't know them all, just admitting that is hard. Mom is coming up for the defense which is great becasue I know I will need her.

I try to keep striving daily to His will. It is hard. Having the descerment I so desire is difficult. I often second-guess my thoughts as to is this what I want or what God wants or am I making my wants God's??? That is tough. I know I'm not the only one who is struggling. Just keep me in your prayers that everything that happens is in accordance to His will. I only HIM to smile.