Saturday, September 13, 2008

Life as a PLD

I'm offically "makin' bacon in Macon." (By bacon, I mean money!!) I've been here in Macon for a week. I am getting settled. I still have some boxes to unpack, but the main stuff has found a home. I've gotten my living room furniture and I have internet and cable. (Finally, it took until Thursday for the later to occur!) See pictures of my furniture at the bottom of the post. The kitch table doesn't have the flower pot in the middle of it and Yes, the chair and couch are RED and BLACK.....VERY UGA!!!!

The job is going good. It is taking some adjusting. Going from a student, to an intern, to a graduate, to being employeed in a matter of months is difficult. However, I think I'm handling it the best I know how. Granted, if you know me, a major breakdown is liable to occur within the next few weeks. So, someone, anyone, be prepared with tissue, chocolate, and comfort (emotional, not the drink!)! I'm beginning to study for the RD Exam. I am offically taking it Nov. 8th in Dublin. So, begin praying for me. I really, really, really want to do well.

Anyway, that's all for now!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Starting Work....EARLY!!!!

Who knew my life could fit into 2 cars and moving van??? Certainly NOT me!!! Well, the move to Macon is still planned for this weekend, however, my starting work on the 15th moved up to the 8th!!!! It's OK, I'll be fine, just an adjustment.

My furniture and mattresses were delivered today. With those being delivered, it is starting to feel real. Well, that and the fact my diploma came in the mail today. I must admitt, I'm wanting to turn back the clock and cherish moments. But, living in the past prevents us from the blessings and opportunities of today.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Birthday and a Hog Killing

My birthday was Sunday and it was GREAT!! I am officially 24, a college graduate, and successfully employed. The birthday was nice, cake, presents, and phone calls, what more could a girl ask for!

Now, for the rest of a the title, a hog killing. It wasn't really a hog, more like a pot-belly pig. It began digging up the neighborhood yards. So, today the PPD came and rid the neighborhood of it. The pig is no more. Now, if you are tender-hearted, I'm sorry if this upsets you, but it was destroying the neighborhood and we could not get rid of them.

I'm moving to Macon this weekend. I am hoping and praying that Hanna will not impede this process. It was even better if she just curved off into the Atlantic and did no harm. I'm excited about moving, but nervous about starting to work. (The anxiety requires an additional blog!!) I registered for the RD Exam today, so that brings up another set of nerves and anxiety. The exam is in November, so it will end soon. So, between now and then, keep praying!!

The last few days have been eventful and will not forget them!